Sunday, October 26, 2008

Boy, Girl, Girl, Boy

That's the order these sweeties joined their family.

There's something special about all of them...but there is something extra special about the girls...can you figure out what it is?
Yup, two for the price of one. (grin)
It was a bit chilly this morning for our session, but all four braved the chill and were as good as can be.
Sweet sweet sweet.
Until next time

Jennifer Ann ~ Senior 09

She's funny, smart, artsy...has great hair, nice long legs... : ) All the important stuff, right?
It was THE MOST gorgeous day today. Jennifer and I spent the day going to some of her favorite spots and snapping some pictures. It couldn't have been more perfect.

Here are a few sneaks for Jennifer and her family. I hope you had fun, Jen!

More very soon

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Logan - All Seven and a Half Years of Him

I've known of Logan ever since he and my Katie were brand new babies. And even though he and his mom life about two hours away, they joined us for a gorgeous fall day in the park.
Got to love his dimples. I'm a sucker for dimples, you know.
I think he and his mom got the hang of my 'No Face' pretty well...I think these are keepers for sure.
Until tomorrow

Friday, October 24, 2008

Fall Break at the Beach

Yes, so fall break was weeks ago and I'm just now posting pics. Better late than never I always say.

Seems as though I've been saying that alot lately. But I digress...

Anyway! So we spent the week in Gulf Shores, Alabama. October is an amazing time of the year to head down there. It's still warm enough to get in the water but not 500 degrees like in the summer.

Okay, so it's not really 500 degrees there in the summer. But you get my drift.

It was a very low key vacation. Beach, ferry, food and outlet mall. (My fave was the latter, of course)

It was a good time.

Until next time


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Curly Girl

They don't come more All American and fresh faced than Allie. It's almost as if she sparkles. Happy and sweet spill out from her, and her mood and spirit are contagious.

What a great way to spend a gorgeous fall day.

Until next time

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Still Newlyweds After Ten Years

Can I just say that I LOVE when Mom and Dad are willing to let me steal shots of them alone? I'm thinking of making it a requirement. (grin)

Even after ten years and three children, this couple is still silly in love. Swoon!

Oh yeah...they make gorgeous kiddos, too...

...who are also a little silly.

Until next time

Friday, October 17, 2008

Little Mac

I'm sooooo very behind on blogging after last week's vacation with the family! Couldn't wait to get these up, though...

Sweet Mac smiles all the time. And look at his amazing eyes! Wowzers!

He was a brave little pumpkin for letting me take him outside despite the chill in the air. Hope you are all thawed out now, Buddy!

Until next time...which should be soon...


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Lovey Dovey

Spent the afternoon with an old friend and her love today and had the best time. So yes, we got nibbled on by a few bugs and sat on the ground alongside goose droppings...but Beauty is Pain, as I always say. Anything to get the shot.

I think they went home a little dirty and a lot happy.

I know I did.

Until next time,