Tuesday, April 1, 2008

2007 Revisited...Up for a Blog Contest?

Well, I sure am. I started looking through some of last year's sessions and started falling in love all over again. I learned so much and met so many great families! So I decided to borrow an idea from a friend and set up this neat-o contest with some of my favorite images from 2007. Not only do you all get to look at these little cuties, but there is actually a PRIZE for the winner! How much better can it get??

Well, let me tell you how it will go down. Up for grabs is a FREE 30 minute Mini Session and 5x7 print. But wait, there's more! (said in my best infomercial voice) The winner will get a second freebie set for a friend! So that's TWO 30 minute Mini Sessions! And TWO 5x7's!

Excited yet? It was SO hard to narrow down the entries, but I did manage to get them down to 12. The images are listed below - voting to the right. Send my link to your family and friends to have them vote. And remember, if you are a friend of the winner then you might just win, too! Let the sucking up begin! (hehe)
Okay, without further ado -

Entry #1

Entry #2
Entry #3

Entry #4

Entry #5

Entry #6

Entry #7

Entry #8

Entry #9

Entry #10

Entry #11

Entry #12

Poll will be open until next Tuesday, April 8! Oh, and NO cheating, please. Let's keep it clean, folks. One vote per person will do just fine. Thanks : )

Alright, have at it!

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